
Grade 1 - Mathematics

Topic 1. Patterns and Classifications

1. Patterns and Classification.
2. Number Patterns .
3. Patterns.
4. Special Patterns.
5. Patterns of Pictures.

Topic 2. Numbers and Number Sense

1. Number Sequences.
2. Numbers from 1 to 10.
3. Counting One More Using Pictures.
4. Counting Forward (One More) .
5. Counting Backward (One Less) .
6. Number of Things in Order.
7. Tens and Ones.
8. Place Value - 3 Digits .
9. Counting by 10 .
10. Counting by 5s .
11. Words to Numbers Up to 100 .
12. Numbers in Words - Up to 100 .
13. Odd and Even.
14. Even or Odd - Answer E or O.
15. Even or Odd Using Pictures.
16. Twelve is a Dozen.
17. Greater Than and Less Than Using Pictures.
18. Greater Than Comparisons - Single Digit .
19. Less Than Comparisons - Single Digit .
20. Before and After.
21. Compare Two Single Digit Numbers .
22. Bar Graphs (Bar Charts).
23. Fractions - Without Simplification .
24. Identifying Fractions.
25. Numbers and Number Sense - Review Test.

Topic 3. Computation

1. Addition - Single Digit .
2. Addition Facts - Single Digit .
3. Subtraction - Single Digit .
4. Subtraction Facts - Single Digit .
5. Practice Addition Using Pictures.
6. Practice Subtraction Using Pictures.
7. Missing Operand.
8. Addition Facts with the Same Sum.
9. Things to Know About Addition.
10. Adding Three Numbers.
11. Comparing Differences and Sums.
12. Doubles.
13. Doubles and Halves.
14. Doubles Plus One.
15. Find the Mystery Number (Single Digits) .
16. Addition and Subtraction Story Problems.
17. Addition and Subtraction Word Problems.
18. Hundred Table.
19. Puzzle Pictures.
20. Counting 100s 10s and 1s with Pictures.
21. Addition - Double Digit .
22. Subtraction - Double Digit .
23. Addition - 3 Digits .
24. Subtraction - 3 Digits .
25. Computation Review Test.

Topic 4. Money

1. Money Combinations Using Pictures.
2. Money Basics.
3. Counting Coins.
4. Money Story Problems.
5. Money Counting .

Topic 5. Geometry

1. Name the Shapes.
2. Geometry.
3. Flat Shapes (2 Dimensional).
4. Solid Shapes (3 Dimensional).

Topic 6. Measurement

1. Calendar - Months and Days.
2. Calendar Time.
3. Time, Money, and Estimating.
4. Clocks - Telling Time to Hours .
5. Clocks Word Problems.
6. Clocks - Telling Time to Half-Hours .
7. Money, Geometry, and Measurement Review Test.

Topic 7. Review Test

1. Final Review Test.