
Grade 2 - English Language

Topic 1. Phonics and Word Analysis

1. Short Vowels.
2. Short Vowels - Pictures.
3. Long Vowels - Pictures.
4. Vowels: Short a Words.
5. Vowels: Long a Words.
6. Vowels: Long o Words.
7. Vowels: Short o Words.
8. Vowels: Short e Words.
9. Vowels: Long e Words.
10. Vowels: Short i Words.
11. Vowels: Long i Words.
12. Vowels: Short u Words.
13. Vowels: Long u Words.
14. Super Silent e.
15. Silent Letters.
16. Vowel: Y as a Vowel.
17. Double Vowel Words.
18. Vowel Teams: ea.
19. Vowel Teams: ie, ei.
20. Vowel Teams: oi, oy, ou, ow.
21. Vowel Teams: ai, ee.
22. R-Controlled Vowels.
23. Beginning Consonants.
24. Ending Consonants.
25. Consonant Blends.
26. Consonant Teams.
27. Hard and Soft C.
28. Hard and Soft G.
29. Contractions.
30. Syllables.
31. Review Test - Phonics and Word Analysis - Level 2.

Topic 2. Words - Spelling and Vocabulary

1. Word A Day.
2. Alphabetical Order.
3. ABC Order.
4. Words: Number Words.
5. Words: Animal Words.
6. Words: Family Words.
7. Words: Location Words.
8. Words: Action Words.
9. Words: Time Words.
10. Words: Rhyming Words.
11. Similarities: Synonyms.
12. Synonyms Using Pictures.
13. Opposites: Antonyms.
14. Antonyms Using Pictures.
15. Opposites: Antonyms - 2.
16. Opposites: Antonyms - 3.
17. Homophones.
18. Homophones - 2.
19. Compound Words.
20. Compound Words - 2.
21. adding es, ing, ed.
22. Drop 'e' and add 'ing'.
23. 'er' and 'est'.
24. Prefixes.
25. Suffixes.
26. Unscramble the Sports Words.
27. Unscramble the Food Words.
28. Unscramble the Weather Words.
29. Unscramble the Number Words 1-10.
30. Unscramble the Number Words 11-20.
31. Unscramble the Color Words.
32. Unscramble the Words.
33. Unscramble the Words - 2.
34. Unscramble the Words - 3.
35. Rhyme Time.
36. Challenging Words.
37. Review Test - Spelling and Vocabulary - Level 2.

Topic 3. Grammar

1. Punctuation ? or . or !.
2. Punctuation and Capitalization.
3. Punctuation Endings.
4. Parts of Speech.
5. Nouns - Find the Nouns.
6. Nouns: Singular and Plural.
7. Nouns and Subjects.
8. Nouns and Predicates.
9. This-That-These-Those.
10. Nouns: Type of Nouns - Proper Nouns & Common Nouns.
11. Pronouns - Types.
12. Adjectives.
13. Adjectives - 2.
14. Adjectives - 3.
15. Types of Adjectives.
16. Nouns and Verbs.
17. Verbs - 1.
18. Verbs - 2.
19. Verb Tense.
20. Verbs - Past Tense.
21. Verb Forms - 1.
22. Verb Forms - 2.
23. Articles.
24. Adverbs.
25. Sentences.
26. Sentences - Types of Sentences.
27. Exclamatory Sentences.
28. Interrogative Sentences.
29. Imperative Sentences.
30. Sentence - Subject and Predicate.
31. Sentence - Subjects.
32. Sentence - Predicates.
33. Compound Subjects and Predicates.
34. Sentence - Compound Subjects.
35. Sentence - Compound Predicates.
36. Review Test - Grammar - Level 2.

Topic 4. Reading and Comprehension

1. Read and Summarize a Book.
2. Elements of Reading Comprehension.
3. Idioms.
4. Fact and Opinion.
5. Similes.
6. Fiction and Nonfiction.
7. Comprehension - Fiction.
8. Story: The Ants And The Cricket.
9. Story: The Fox and the Crow.
10. Comprehension - The Hare and the Tortoise.
11. Story: The Man and the Coconuts.
12. Story: Chico And The Crane.
13. Comprehension: Non-fiction.
14. The Olympic Games.
15. The Spanish Conquerors.
16. Recalling Details.
17. Reading for Details.
18. Following Directions.
19. Sequencing: Making Frozen Fruit Pops.
20. Sequencing: Follow a Recipe.
21. Sequencing: Play a Game.
22. Tracking: Using a Map.
23. Same/Different: Venn Diagram.
24. Classifying.
25. Classifying: Word Groups.
26. Predicting.
27. Making Inferences.
28. Cause and Effect.
29. Science - An Introduction.
30. Review Test - Reading Comprehension Level 2.

Topic 5. Writing

1. Letter Writing.
2. Writing Practice - Upper Case A to J.
3. Writing Practice - Upper Case K to S.
4. Writing Practice - Upper Case T to Z.
5. Writing Practice - Lower Case 'a to m'.
6. Writing Practice - Lower Case 'n to z'.
7. Writing Practice - Numbers 0 to 9.
8. Ruled Blank Sheet for Writing Practice.
9. Review Test - Writing Level 3.
10. Writing a Story - Practice Makes Perfect.
11. Writing a Story - Look Before You Leap.
12. Review Test - Writing Level 2.

Topic 6. Other Topics & Review Tests

1. Practice Test 1.
2. Practice Test 2.
3. Practice Test 3.
4. Practice Test 4.
5. Practice Test 5.
6. Practice Test 6.
7. Spanish - Numbers to 10.
8. Spanish - Numbers 11 - 20.
9. Riddles.
10. Riddles - Go Green.
11. Review Test - Grade 2 ELA.