
Math Word Problems - GED, PSAT, SAT, ACT, GRE Preparation

Topic 1. Basic Operations Required for Solving Algebra Word Problems

1. Converting Sentences into Mathematical Form.
2. Algebraic Expressions.
3. Mathematical Statement.
4. Algebraic Equations.
5. Algebraic Equations and Expressions.
6. Story Problem for Equation.
7. Equations and Expressions.
8. Solving an Equation by Guess Method.
9. Solving Equations.
10. Applications of Simple Equations.
11. Solving Equations - 3.
12. Solving Equations - 2.
13. Basic Operations With Variables - I.
14. Basic Operations With Variables - II.
15. Translating Verbal Statements into Algebraic Expressions.
16. Linear and Non-Linear Equations.
17. Linear Equations.
18. Linear Equations - 2.
19. Linear Equations - One Variable.
20. Linear Equations - Two Variables.
21. Linear Equation - Three Variables.
22. Review I.

Topic 2. Algebra Word Problems

1. Word Problems - Basic Operations With Variables - 1.
2. Word Problems - Basic Operations With Variables - 3.
3. Word Problems - Basic Operations With Variables - 2.
4. Basic Operations With Variables - Word Problems - 4.
5. Verbal Problems - I.
6. Verbal Problems - II.
7. Word Problems - Numbers.
8. Word Problems - Age.
9. Word Problems - Distance, Money, Fractions.
10. Word Problems - Digits.
11. Speed and Distance Word Problems.
12. Linear Equation - Two Variables - Word Problems.
13. Word Problems - Basic Operations With Variables - Consecutive Integers.
14. Word Problems - Basic Operations With Variables - Challenging.
15. Word Problems - Negative Exponents.
16. Word Problems - Exponents.
17. Word Problems - Exponents - 2.
18. Word Problems - Numbers.

Topic 3. Numbers and Operations - Word Problems

1. Type of Numbers: Natural, Whole, Integers, Rational, Irrational & Real.
2. Empty No Q I.
3. Pranav Mistry: The thrilling potential of SixthSense technology.
4. Divisibility Review.
5. Angela Belcher: Using nature to grow batteries.
6. Mitchell Joachim: Don't build your home, grow it!.
7. Natural Numbers.
8. Whole Numbers.
9. Word Problems - Age.
10. Word Problems - Age - 2.
11. Word Problems - Age - 3.
12. Word Problems - Age - 4.
13. Word Problems - Age - 5.
14. Word Problems - Age - 6.
15. Story Problems - Digits.
16. Word Problems - Digits.
17. Word Problems - Digit - 2.
18. Word Problems On Square Roots - I.
19. Word Problems On Square Roots - II.
20. Word Problems On Square Roots - III.

Topic 4. Integers - Word Problems

1. Integers: Four Basic Operations Using Signed Numbers - Table.
2. Basics of Geometry Review Test.
3. Decimals Review Test.
4. Measurement Review Test.
5. Geometry Part Three - Review Test.
6. Division in Integers.
7. Multiplication of Integers.
8. Subtraction in Integers.
9. Addition of Integers.
10. Powers of Integers - II.
11. Powers of Integers I.
12. Properties of Division in Integers.
13. Properties of Multiplication in Integers.
14. Integer Multiplication Table.
15. Integer Coordinates.
16. Integers - Positive and Negative Integers.
17. Integers.
18. Properties of Addition in Integers.
19. Expressing Using Integers.
20. Order of Operations.
21. Order of Operations: P E M D A S or B O D M A S.
22. Integer Story Problems.
23. Prime Factorization Word Problems.

Topic 5. Fractions - Word Problems

1. Fraction of a Collection Using Pictures.
2. More Fraction Problems.
3. Fractions Review Test.
4. Rational Numbers.
5. Mikko Hypponen: Fighting viruses, defending the net.
6. Rational Numbers Review - II.
7. Rational Numbers Review - III.
8. Fractions Review Test.
9. Rational Numbers Review Test.
10. Math Symbols.
11. Decimal Review Test.
12. empty 2394.
13. Word Problems - A Fraction of a Number.
14. Word Problems - Fractions of Fractions.
15. Word Problems - A Fraction of a Number 3.
16. Word Problems.
17. Fractions Word Problems - 1.
18. Fractions Word Problems - 2.
19. Fractions Word Problems - 3.
20. Mixed Numbers Using Pictures.
21. Mixed Fractions .
22. Mixed Fractions: Word Problems.

Topic 6. Decimals - Word Problems

1. Decimals Review.
2. Decimals Review - II.
3. Coin Problems.
4. Coins Word Problems - 2.
5. Coin Word Problems - 3.
6. Coin Word Problems - 4.
7. Coin Word Problems - 5.
8. Word Problems - Coins.
9. Decimal Division Word Problems.
10. Fractions and Decimals Word Problems.
11. Decimal Word Problems - 1.
12. Decimals Word Problems - 2.
13. Coin Story Problems.
14. Decimal Word Problems - Challenging.

Topic 7. Ratio and Proportion - Word Problems

1. Ratio Word Problems.
2. Ratio Word Problems - 2.
3. Ratios Review.
4. Ratios Review Test.
5. Proportion - I.
6. Proportion - II.
7. Find if the Given Numbers are in Proportion.
8. Find the Missing Number in a Proportion.
9. Direct Variation or Direct Proportion.
10. Inverse Variation or Inverse Proportion.
11. Representative Ratio.
12. Representative Fractions.
13. Ratio Compares Quantities of the Same Kind.
14. Ratio Story Problems.
15. Ratios and Proportions.

Topic 8. Percentage - Word Problems

1. Percents.
2. Percentages For Numbers Using Pictures.
3. Percentages.
4. Expressing One Quantity as a Percentage of Another Quantity.
5. Find the Required Percent Of a Given Quantity.
6. Percentage Problems.
7. Percentage Story Problems - 1.
8. Percentage Story Problems - 2.
9. Word Problems - Percents.
10. Word Problems - Percents - 2.
11. Percentage Increase.
12. Percentage Decrease.
13. Percentage Increase/Decrease.
14. Percentage Word Problems - 1.
15. Percentage Word Problems - 2.

Topic 9. Review Tests

1. Review 1.
2. Review 2.
3. Review 3.