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Online Quiz (Worksheet A B C D)

Questions Per Quiz = 2 4 6 8 10

MEAP Preparation - Grade 4 Mathematics
2.14 Measurement Units

Example: How do you measure the height of building?
Answer: Feet

Directions: Answer the following. Also write at least 10 examples of your own.
Q 1: What is the area of a carpet that is 3 yards by 5 yards?
16 yards
15 square yards
30 yards

Q 2: How would you measure the length of a football field?
in yards
in inches
in kilometers

Q 3: How would you measure the amount of water in a glass?
in centimeter
in gram
in liter

Q 4: Do you need actual or estimated measurements to find out how much frosting to put on a cake?

Q 5: Which is longest - a yard, a meter, or a kilometer?

Q 6: Which is longer - 5000 meters or 5 kilometers
5 kilometers
5000 meters

Q 7: Which is longer - 15 inches or 1 foot?
1 foot
15 inches

Q 8: How would you measure the distance from Dallas to Houston?
in yards
in miles
in meters

Question 9: This question is available to subscribers only!

Question 10: This question is available to subscribers only!

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