Grade 1 - English Worksheets CD


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Grade 1 - English Language

Topic 1. Phonics and Word Analysis

Chapter Date
1. Letter Recognition: a-m .
2. Letter Recognition: n-z .
3. Vowels .
4. Consonants .
5. Vowels (Short Vowel Sounds) .
6. Vowels (Long Vowel Sounds) .
7. Short and Long Vowels .
8. Short and Long Vowels - 2 .
9. r-Controlled Vowels .
10. Using ai and ay .
11. Understanding ee, ea, and ie .
12. Silent E .
13. Beginning Consonants .
14. Ending Consonants .
15. Consonant Blends .
16. Understanding Words with s Blends .
17. Using Words with r Blends .
18. Identifying Words with l Blends .
19. Phonics Word Study .
20. Digraphs .

Topic 2. Vocabulary

Chapter Date
1. Animal Pictures .
1a. Animal Pictures - 2 .
2. Color Names .
3. Animal Names .
4. Food Names .
5. Number Words .
6. Action Words .
7. Weather Words .
8. Garden Words .
9. Clothing Words .
10. People Words .
11. Rainbow Colors .
12. Day and Night Words .
13. Plurals .
14. Similarities: Synonyms .
15. Opposites: Antonyms .
16. Similar Words .
17. Antonyms .
18. Homonyms .
19. Compound Words .
20. Compound Words - Pictures .
21. Rhyming Words .
22. Rhyming Words - 2 .
23. Rhyming Words - 3 .
24. Order the Words Alphabetically .
25. Find the Correct Word .
26. Vocabulary 1 .
27. Vocabulary 2 .
28. Vocabulary 3 .
29. Vocabulary 4 .
30. Choose the Correct Spelling .
31. Spelling Number Words .
32. Spelling Color Words .
33. Spelling Words .
34. Spelling Words - 2 .
35. Multiple Choice Spelling .

Topic 3. Grammar

Chapter Date
1. Capitalization .
2. Punctuation Marks .
3. Parts Of Speech .
4. Find the Nouns .
5. Find the Nouns - 2 .
6. Pronoun .
7. Find the Verbs .
8. Find the Verbs - 2 .
9. Adjectives - Words That Describe .
10. Sequencing: Comparative Adjectives .
11. Word Order .
12. Have or Has .
13. Is or Are .
14. Is It a Sentence? .
15. Complete or Incomplete .
16. Statements and Questions .
17. Asking and Telling Sentences .
18. Asking and Telling Sentences - 2 .
19. Write the Correct Sentence .
20. Find the Correct Word in the Sentence .
21. Choose the Correct Word in the Sentence .
22. Choose the Correct Word in the Sentence- 2 .

Topic 4. Reading and Comprehension

Chapter Date
1. Picture Clues .
2. Picture Comprehension .
3. Language Comprehension and Response .
4. Classifying - Things That Are Different .
5. Classifying - Things That Belong Together .
6. Comprehension - Non-fiction .
7. Comprehension - Fiction .
8. Comprehension - Poetry .
9. Story: The Three Little Pigs .
10. Story: The Thirsty Crow .
11. Story: The Greedy Dog .
12. Poem: Down By The Bay .
13. Poem: A Good Play .
14. Poem: The Swing .
15. Making Inferences: Feelings .
16. Riddles - Name the Object .
17. Riddles .

Topic 5. Writing

Chapter Date
1. Writing Practice - Upper Case 'ABCD' .
2. Writing Practice - Upper Case 'EFGH' .
3. Writing Practice - Upper Case 'IJKL' .
4. Writing Practice - Upper Case 'MNOP' .
5. Writing Practice - Upper Case 'QRST' .
6. Writing Practice - Upper Case 'UVW' .
7. Writing Practice - Upper Case 'XYZ' .
8. Writing Practice - Lower Case 'abcdef' .
9. Writing Practice - Lower Case 'ghijkl' .
10. Writing Practice - Lower Case 'mnopq' .
11. Writing Practice - Lower Case 'rstuv' .
12. Writing Practice - Lower Case 'wxyz' .
13. Writing Practice - Numbers 0 to 9 .
14. Picture Clue Writing .
15. Picture Clue Writing - 2 .
16. Blank Ruled Sheet for Writing Practice .

Topic 6. Other Topics & Review Tests

Chapter Date
1. Review Test 1 .
2. Review Test 2 .
3. Review Test 3 .
4. Review Test 4 .
5. Review Test 5 .
5. Award Certificate .

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