Grade 4 - English Worksheets CD


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Grade 4 - English Language

Topic 1. Phonics, Spelling, and Vocabulary

1. Short Vowels.
2. Long Vowels.
3. The k, f, s Sounds.
4. Syllables.
5. Synonyms.
6. Antonyms.
7. Palindromes.
8. Homophones.
9. Homophones - 2.
10. Homophones - 3.
11. Homophones - 4.
12. Homophones - 5.
13. Correct the Homonym.
14. Choose the Correct Homonym.
15. Prefixes and Suffixes.
16. Prefixes.
17. Prefixes - Ambi and Amphi.
18. Suffix.
19. 'Y' Change.
20. Vocabulary.
21. Vocabulary - 2.
22. Vocabulary - 3.
23. Vocabulary - 4.
24. Vocabulary - 5.
25. Vocabulary - 6.
26. Vocabulary - 7.
27. Vocabulary - 8.
28. Camping Vocabulary.
29. Super Sentence Vocabulary.
30. ABC Order.
31. Alphabetical Order.
32. Well vs. Good.
33. Who vs. How.
34. Close/Clothes/Cloths.
35. Were/Where/Wear.
36. Identify the Word.
37. Identify the Word - 2.
38. Spelling.
39. Spelling - 2.
40. Spelling - 3.
41. Spelling - 4.
42. Find the Right Word.
43. Word Roots - Sult.
44. Compound Words.
45. Classifying.

Topic 2. Grammar

1. Grammar Review.
2. Capitalization Review.
3. Capital Letters.
4. Editing - Spelling, Capitalization, Punctuation.
5. Using Capitals with Proper Nouns.
6. Punctuation Review.
7. Punctuation - Commas with Numbers, Salutations and Please.
8. Punctuation - Commas with Question Tags, Adjectives, and Adverbs.
9. Punctuation - Commas with Series, Main Clause, and Conditional Sentences.
10. Punctuation - Commas in Direct Speech and Introductory Clause.
11. Punctuation - Commas with Additional Information and Opposites.
12. Punctuation Marks that End Sentences.
13. Parts of Speech.
14. Name the Part of Speech.
15. Nouns.
16. Common and Proper Nouns.
17. Plural Noun.
18. Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives.
19. Pronouns.
20. Pronouns for Nouns.
21. Find the Pronouns.
22. Pronoun to Noun Reference.
23. Object Pronouns.
24. Possessive Pronouns.
25. Verbs.
26. Verbs - 2.
27. More Verbs.
28. Verb Tenses.
29. Present, Past and Future Tense.
30. Past or Present.
31. Find the Verb.
32. Contractions with Verbs.
33. Verb Forms Using 'ing' and 'ed'.
34. Irregular Verbs in Past Tense.
35. Subject-Verb Agreement.
36. Adjectives.
37. Comparing Adjectives.
38. Adverbs.
39. Conjunctions.
40. Is it a Sentence?.
41. Types of Sentences.
42. Types of Sentences - Declarative or Interrogative.
43. Complete the Sentence.
44. Subjects And Predicates.
45. Compound Subjects.
46. Compound Predicates.
47. 'Can' or 'Know how to'.
48. Using I and Me, We and Us.
49. Paragraph.
50. Sentence, Punctuation or Capitalization.

Topic 3. Reading Comprehension

1. Context Clues - 1.
2. Context Clues - 2.
3. Context Clues - 3.
4. Sentences in a Paragraph.
5. Find the Topic Sentence.
6. Driving Directions.
7. Following Directions: Recipes.
8. Reading Skills: Bus Schedules.
9. Reading Skills: Labels.
10. Fact or Opinion.
11. Sayings and Proverbs.
12. Poem - The Wind.
13. Poem - Daybreak.
14. Poem - In London Town.
15. Reading for Details: St. Helena Lighthouse.
16. Reading Nonfiction: Core Democratic Values.
17. Reading Nonfiction - The Potawatomi.
18. Fairy Tale: Crab and Heron.
19. Fairy Tale: The Conference of The Mice.
20. Fairy Tale: The Wolf and The Crane.
21. Fairy Tale: FOX AND THE GRAPES.
22. Legend: THE RED DRAGON.
23. Fable: THE VAIN CROW.

Topic 4. Writing

1. Commonly Confused Words.
2. Reference Skills.
3. Reference Choice.
4. Using Sayings and Proverbs.
5. Using the Right Word - 1.
6. Using the Right Word - 2.
7. Using the Right Word - 3.
8. Writing Supporting Sentences.
9. Topic Sentences and Supporting Details.
10. Taking Notes.
11. Outlining.
12. Summarizing: Writing an Autobiography.
13. Writing Letters.
14. Writing Practice - Blank Sheet.
15. Writing a Story: Using a Mind Map.
16. Write About This Picture.
17. A Good Writing Method.
18. Writing Essays.
19. Compare and Contrast: Top Jobs.
20. Writing From Knowledge And Experience (MEAP 2003).

Topic 5. Other Topics & Review Tests

1. Sentences Review.
2. Sentences Review - 2.
3. Grammar Review.
4. Review Test - 1.
5. Review Test - 2.
6. Review Test - 3.
7. Review Test - 4.
8. Test Taking Strategies.
9. State Test - Writing Assessment.

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