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Online Quiz (Worksheet A B C D)

Questions Per Quiz = 2 4 6 8 10

Roman Numerals - Advance

  • D, L, or V may each only appear at most one time in the string
  • M, C, X, or I may appear no more that three times consecutively in the string
  • The following pairs of letters are invalid in all cases: IL, IC, ID, IM, XD, XM, VX, VL, VC, VD, VM, LC, LD, LM, DM.
  • Once a letter has been subtracted from, neither it nor its "5 counterpart" may appear again in the string - so neither X nor V can follow IX, neither C nor L may follow XC, and neither M nor D may follow CM.
  • Once a letter has been used as a subtraction modifier, it cannot appear again in the string - so C cannot follow CD or CM, X cannot follow XL or XC, and I cannot follow IV or IX.
  • Once I, X, or C (or their "5-counterparts" V, L, and D) appears in a string, the I, X, or C cannot subsequently be used as subtraction modifiers - so IV or IX cannot follow I or V, XL or XC cannot follow X or L, and CD or CM cannot follow C or D.
Example: What is the Hindu Arabic equivalent of XCII?
X - 10
C - 100
II - 2
X before C implies 100 - 10
Hence 90 + 2
Answer: 92

Example: What is the Hindu Arabic equivalent of VD?
Answer: Not valid

More examples:
Numeral Roman Numeral Roman
150 CL 200 CC
300 CCC 400 CD
600 DC 700 DCC
800 DCCC 900 CM
1000 M 1600 MDC
1700 MDCC 1900 MCM

Directions: Write the corresponding Hindu Arabic numbers for the following. Also write at least 10 examples of your own.
Q 1: What is the roman number for 842?

Q 2: What is the modern equivalent for the roman numeral DCCCXLIX?

Question 3: This question is available to subscribers only!

Question 4: This question is available to subscribers only!

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